Friday, October 9, 2009

The Rockstar's need YOU

Remember my friends Brian & Courtney? A few weeks ago I told you about their plan to grow their family again through the miracle of adoption. Then sadly I had to share with all of you that the adoption fell through.

Well...they ARE indeed growing their family again. You can read all about their journey here. The baby will be born SOON and they are needing to raise funds FAST. (They returned ALL previous donated funds for the adoption that fell through)

I am asking my friends and family to consider donating just $5.00 - that's it $5.oo - to my dear friends. Your small donation will make a HUGE difference in the life of a child and possibly in eternity.

You can donate on their secure site or email me privately for their contact information.

Any and all support is GREATLY appreciated.

Blessings to all.