Friday, September 4, 2009

Thank You

I owe a HUGE thank you to my 3 dear friends (Stacy, Sarah and Dawn) for praying me through this excruciating time.

I specifically chose these 3 women for many reasons. They Love and Fear the Lord. Their life reflects their walk. They aren't "feel good" friends. They didn't just tell me what I wanted to hear.

In fact, all three of them are actually private and/or Home Schooling moms. So the fact that I ended up in Public School still puzzles me :-).

Actually it doesn't.

It reflects their desire to see me submit and honor the Lord. Even when it sounds CRAZY! Even when it goes against their personal convictions. Even when it scared me to death.

They prayed with me. They counciled me. They held me accountable and they supported me.

Ladies, I love you!!! You are awesome women of God. Amazing friends. And truly walking disciples of Christ. My heart overflows with gratitude and unmeasurable respect for all 3 of you!


Dawn said...

Awe, you are so sweet but I'd rather see you obey the Lord than anything. He will bless you! You are a GREAT mom!!!