Those of you that know Brian and I ~know we LOVE to decorate for Christmas.
You might even say we kind of go overboard a *little*. It takes Brian 5 days (with help) just to decorate the outside of our home and then about another 3 days to decorate the inside of the house. We just LOVE LOVE LOVE to go all out for Jesus' Birthday.
This year though Christmas kind of snuck up on us and between our schedules, the weekend rain, and the (un)avaialability our elves (helpers) our home is NOT decorated this year. It hardly even feels like Christmas without the 10,000 light display you can see from outter space.
Thankfully though we did manage to get our 2 Christmas trees decorated.
And once the baking starts, the family arrives and the Celebration of our Redeemer's birth begins we won't even miss the "stuff".
Merry Christmas to you and yours and our prayers for a Happy, Healthy and Blessing filled New Year.

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