Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The (sort of) unsolved Mystery....

A few weeks ago I cleaned the kids bedrooms. REALLY REALLY cleaned their bedrooms.

I cleaned under their beds, their dressers, their closets, their toy boxes, book shelves. You name it - I cleaned it and organized it.

In doing so I removed a total of 4 trash bags FULL of stuff/junk from their rooms. 2 bags were TRASH and the other 2 were bags I gave away.

Well...this morning Sadie says to me very matter-of-factly...

"Mom, my elephant and kitty are missing".

I (not remembering what I did a few weeks ago) said "oh honey, I'm sure there are in your..."

Before I could finish she said "no mom, they've been gone a long time and I have looked and looked and looked EVERYWHERE and I can't find them anywhere. I just know someone came into the house and TOOK them"

Just then the light bulb went off - I was that somebody. I must have either thrown them away or given them away. There's really no telling. I thought they were just stuffed animals - she has a million. Who wouldda known just how much she LOVED these two???

So what do I do? I haven't fessed up yet. Instead, I told her I'd help her look for them but her response was "No, mom. It's no use - they're gone!". do I get out of this one?


stacy said...

Sadie has such a giving heart... just remind her of all the children who don't have a lot. Tell her her animals must have gotten into that bag that you gave away because there was some child who needed a smile and God will use her animals to do that. If she has a million, tell her to pick two more to be her favorites for a while and maybe encourage her to start thinking and praying about who can have those next. Keep reminding her that God loves a cheerful giver and she gets to be that giver.

Jen said...

Thanks Stacy!! I did just as you suggested and Sadie gave a big hug and said "that's ok mom - I forgive you". And then she agreed to pick two new favorites...

Stephanie said...

Sadie you are a wonderful little girl.

Anonymous said...

I have SO done this. No getting out of it!