My dearest friend Dawn recently started writing in The Simple Women's Daybook. It's a brilliant way to journal without the pressure of journaling. The book asks simple questions and you fill in the blanks...I love to journal and this method is SO simple yet it captures all that is important to me. LOVE IT!!!
Here is my entry for today.
Outside my window... it’s dark now (9:37pm) and the temp is dropping. Another cool front moving in.
I am thinking... how quiet the house is and how tired I am!
From the learning rooms... books – all the kids are learning to read or practicing their reading. I am enjoying this very much because I am promised alone time with each child to read with them. I am cherishing those moments.
I am thankful for... a great life!
From the kitchen... A simple night tonight - hot dogs and beans with mashed potatoes. Brian and my father-in-laws favorite :-)
I am wearing... the usual – yoga pants and long sleeve tee. Comfy! :-)
I am reading... Just finished Leotta’s Garden by Francine Rivers. Great Book!!
I am hoping... the Lord will unite Brian and I in our adoption journey….we both hope to add to our family but the Lord hasn’t spoken to Brian about where/when yet….although I am convinced He has spoken to me. Unite us please Lord – either way – just unite us please…
I am creating... this new cool simple journal. Thank you Dawn!!!
I am hearing... from the Lord. Love His sweet gentle whisper.
Around the house... quiet. No TV or radio -just the sound of me typing.
One of my favorite things... Oh, I have so many, I can't name just one. Reading with the kids, football with Ethan on Saturday mornings, gymnastics with the girls on Monday nights, food, friends, family, faith, dates with Brian…I really have SO many!!
A few plans for the rest of the week... finish up some documents for the mission trip to Peru, celebrating my mother-in-laws 71st birthday, cleaning, lots of cleaning!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

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