Monday, October 13, 2008

Thankful Monday

Monday's are traditionally dreaded days...So in light of that and in light of ALL that is going on today (economy, personal life, politics, etc) I'm starting a new tradition of listing a few things that I am thankful for. I will do this each Monday and it is my hope that if you are a blogger you too will do a THANKFUL post and if your a reader I hope you'll leave a comment sharing all that you are thankful for.

So here goes...

I am THANKFUL for:

1. My kids and their health. With the exception of seasonal colds and Sadie's speech (due to her repaired cleft palate) all of my children are healthy!
2. That my children have grandparents and GREAT grandparents. A bunch of aunts & uncles and more cousins than I can count. We are a large and tight nit family.
3. For my husbands job. He may be doing more traveling than usual but he has a job. A good job with a great company, an amazing boss and truly dedicated employees.
4. That I live in FL. It may be the hottest state but I LOVE IT!
5. For my kids school. My kids are ALOUD to share their faith, grow in the Lord and read His word in school! A true privilege.
6. That gas prices are going down. And for the fact that they were high. It caused me to prioritize and to use my gas, time & money more wisely.
7. For my son Ethan's tender heart and gentleman's spirit a rare character trait and one I most admire.
8. For the opportunity to be a mom. Some think that you loose part of your identity when you become a mom. I believe I found mine!
9. For my family and friends as close as family. You folks have ALWAYS been there for me. Rejoicing in the good times and cheering me on through the difficult times.
10. That my mom and dad live close and that Brian's parents live with us 1/2 of the year. This is one the things I am most thankful!

I'm only doing 10 so I have more for next Monday.

Be Happy!


Anonymous said...

Great IDEA!!!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for good friends, lots of laughter, just so so coffee (thanks for giving it a real try Nick!) and a great night!

Thank you!!!

PS I adore this idea!