I'm reading: The Mom You're Meant To Be, by Cheri Fuller.
I read this book back in 2004 when Ethan and Sadie first came home from Russia and now I'm reading it again.
It's a good book with daily "Questions for Reflection".
Today's chapter was titled "Listen with your heart" and a poem written by an unknown author was included.
I appreciated it enough to share:
Take a moment to listen today
To what your children are trying to say
Listen to their problems
Listen for their needs....
Tolerate their chatter
Amplify their laughter
Find out what's the matter
Find out what they're after
Tell them that you love them
Every single night...
Listen today, whatever you do And they WILL come back to listen to you.
This book has challenged me on new levels to be "The Mom I'm meant to Be". I am thoroughly enjoying it and highly recommend this book if you are looking for hope, encouragement and restoration as well as simply strengthening your relationship with your children...While leaning on God.

Beautiful. I love this ...
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