Monday, January 26, 2009

Prayer Request - for the Grandstaff's

My cherished friends Brian & Sarah Grandstaff are in Ethiopia this week picking up their (4th)daughter Kiley.

If you are reading this post PLEASE say a prayer for them. You may even consider posting a sticky note on your refrigerator so each time you see their name you can offer up a quick prayer on their behalf.

Their immediate prayer requests are:

1. Immediate bonding and attachment between us and Kiley.
2.That she would feel comfortable with us.
3. For all of our heath. It's very easy to catch things in Ethiopia. Especially with our US sensitive immune systems.
4. Safe travels and protection there and home (we have layovers in Dulles, London and Damascus)
5. No problems with our paperwork or immigration.
6. Safety and protection for Lauren, Emily and Kate while they wait for us at home.

Thank you all in advance for lifting my friends, their children and their travels up in prayer this week!!